1. Basics
1.1 Syntax
1.2 Variables
1.2.1 var, let, const
1.3 Data Types
1.3.1 String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null, undefined, Symbol, BigInt
1.4 Operators
1.4.1 Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assignment, Conditional (Ternary), etc.
1.5 Control Structures
1.5.1 if-else, switch, loops (for, while, do-while), break, continue
2. Functions
2.1 Function Declaration
2.2 Function Expression
2.3 Arrow Functions
2.4 Anonymous Functions
2.5 Callback Functions
2.6 Higher-Order Functions
2.7 IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
2.8 Closures
3. Objects
3.1 Object Literals
3.2 Properties and Methods
3.3 Constructors
3.4 Prototypes and Inheritance
3.5 this keyword
3.6 Object Destructuring
3.7 Object Methods (Object.keys, Object.values, Object.entries)
4. Events
4.1 Event Handling
4.2 Event Listeners
4.3 Event Bubbling and Capturing
4.4 Event Delegation
5. DOM Manipulation
5.1 Selecting Elements (getElementById, querySelector, etc.)
5.2 Modifying Elements (textContent, innerHTML, style)
5.3 Creating and Removing Elements (appendChild, removeChild)
5.4 Event Handling
5.5 DOM Traversal
6. Asynchronous JavaScript
6.1 Callbacks
6.2 Promises
6.2.1 then, catch, finally
6.3 Async/Await
6.4 Fetch API
6.5 AJAX (XMLHttpRequest)
7. Error Handling
7.1 try, catch, finally
7.2 Throwing Errors
7.3 Custom Errors
8. ES6+ Features
8.1 let and const
8.2 Arrow Functions
8.3 Template Literals
8.4 Default Parameters
8.5 Rest and Spread Operators
8.6 Destructuring Assignment
8.7 Classes and Inheritance
8.8 Modules (import/export)
8.9 Promises and Async/Await
8.10 Generators
9. Browser APIs
9.1 Web Storage (localStorage, sessionStorage)
9.2 Geolocation
9.3 Canvas
9.4 Web Workers
9.5 Fetch API
10. Libraries and Frameworks
10.1 jQuery
10.2 React
10.3 Angular
10.4 Vue.js
10.5 Node.js
10.6 Express.js
11. Tools and Development
11.1 Package Managers (npm, yarn)
11.2 Build Tools (Webpack, Babel, Gulp)
11.3 Linters and Formatters (ESLint, Prettier)
11.4 Testing (Jest, Mocha, Chai)
11.5 Version Control (Git)
12. Best Practices
12.1 Code Organization
12.2 Modular Development
12.3 Code Readability and Maintainability
12.4 Performance Optimization
12.5 Security Considerations