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Meanings Behind Common Biological Names | Biology | Science

This is not meant to be the usual blog post that i post here, this is quite an interesting one. You already had, a slight idea of it by seeing the t… This is not meant to be the usual blog post that i post here, this is quite an interesti…

6.2 Table Row (tr)

Objectives Learn the role of the <tr> element in an HTML table. Understand how to create table rows using the <tr>… Objectives Learn the role of the <tr> element in an HTML table. …

6.1 Table (table)

Objectives Learn the basic structure of the <table> element in HTML. Understand how to use various table-related e… Objectives Learn the basic structure of the <table> element in …

5.4 picture, source, track

Objectives Learn how to use the <picture> element for responsive images. Understand the role of the <source> elem… Objectives Learn how to use the <picture> element for responsive ima…

5.3 Video (video)

Objectives Understand the basic structure and usage of the <video> element in HTML. Utilize various attributes to c… Objectives Understand the basic structure and usage of the <video&g…

5.2 Audio (audio)

Objectives Understand the basic structure and usage of the <audio> element in HTML. Utilize various attributes to … Objectives Understand the basic structure and usage of the <audio&g…

5.1 Images (img)

Table of Contents The <img> element in HTML is used to embed images in a webpage. It is an empty element, meaning it does not hav… Table of Contents The <img> element in HTML is used to embed images in …

Cybersecurity Roadmap (with Resources)

This roadmap will be benificial for many people, idk how much. The time limit, mentioned in the roadmap is assumed to be the maximum r… This roadmap will be benificial for many people, idk how much. The time limi…

4.6 abbr, cite, dfn | HTML

Table of Contents In HTML, the elements <abbr>, <cite>, and <dfn> are used to define and indicate specific types of c… Table of Contents In HTML, the elements <abbr>, <cite>, and <d…

4.5 code, pre, kbd, samp, var | HTML

Table of Contents In HTML, the elements <code>, <pre>, <kbd>, <samp>, and <var> are used to define differ… Table of Contents In HTML, the elements <code>, <pre>, <kbd>…