Looking for some best blogger themes for your niche? Unsatisfied with the default themes available on the Blogger dashboard? Don't worry, this post will solve your problem.
In this post, I’m going to share some of the best blogger themes that you can use in your blogger blog with tremendous of new and advanced features.
A good-looking, super-fast, optimized, light-weight, and easy to browse and customize blogger theme is the wish for everyone, using blogger this present time.
In this current time, you might want some WordPress themes that fit right into your blogger blog, but unfortunately, you couldn't find a way to do that.
Don’t worry, the same happened to me while I was, starting my journey in blogging. But as time passes, you get more knowledge and you continue to grow.
You will have no difficulties customizing these themes! But in some cases, if you want to remove the footer credit you have to purchase it from the developer.
If you don’t have sufficient funds to purchase the blogger themes from its developer, I’ll recommend you to use the free blogger themes with a number of limitations.
Believe me, I’ve seen many successful blogs that generate a good amount of traffic from the search engines, using the free themes with the footer credits.
Then, after having sufficient amounts they might change the theme well in the near future as well. You can do the same, in order to start your blogging journey.
I recommend you to bookmark this post for future reference so that you can find the best blogger themes in a single post, without looking around on the different websites.
With that said, let’s get started.
10+ Best Blogger Themes For Any Niche (Free & Paid)
Okay! Now, let's see the best blogger themes that you can use in your blogger blog without any bugs or any problems, the below stated themes are the best blogger themes you can find on the web.
1. Fletro Pro
Fletro Pro is a blogger template that is specifically designed for mobile-based visitors. It has a super-fast page speed, a user-friendly layout and it’s easy to customize. You can setup ads in just a few clicks.
You can enable or disable the image slider widget on the main page with just a single click. You can edit the default colors of the theme in just a few clicks, and the design of the contact form!
You can make the post-full-page mode without a sidebar, just like the Fletro Lite theme. If you want to edit the header menu, you are given an easy option, the link list gadget! Now, you no longer need to edit the navigation from the HTML in the theme editor!
There’s another feature given to you, that is you can change the layout of your blog’s main page; it can be a list or a grid mode. The text and writing formats are also amazing! You can also add tables, blockquotes, table of contents, buttons, etc.
Fletro Pro theme is very lightweight despite all the features loaded. You can tell that the codes of this theme are very well optimized and formatted with inline comments that will explain the code.
If you’re looking for a theme that can pass the Lighthouse SEO and performance test. There’s no surprise that the Fletro Pro theme passed with high scores.
Usually, when using Google Analytics and Google AdSense the performance may drop. I believe that the secret to the high-performance score is the implementation of the lazy loading feature.
Furthermore, this amazing template has an AMP version! Yes, there’s an AMP version of this template that you can use as a blogger. If you want to focus on mobile traffic then I’ll recommend you to go with the AMP version of the Fletro Pro template.
For your information, with the help of Accelerated Mobile Pages, you can load the web page super-fast (within a second) on mobile devices.
The competitive price of this theme is certainly one of the factors that make Fletro be the best blogger themes! For only $15 to $20, you get this theme. For the features that you’re getting, $15 is insanely cheap.
2. Median UI
Median UI is also one of the best blogger themes available on the web. It is designed with a dashboard UI concept. This theme has a simpler design that makes it easier for the readers to read your content.
The menu is also different from other themes, it’s on the left side! Not only this the layout of the homepage is also different from many casual blogger themes. You can also minimize or maximize the navigation bar menu.
You can make the post a full-page mode without a sidebar, just like the Fletro. You’ll get a lot of features like the blockquote, table of contents, note block, buttons, etc.
Median UI is also lightweight despite all the features. You can tell that the codes of this template are optimized and formatted as much as it could be done!
If you’re looking for a theme that can pass the Lighthouse SEO and performance score. There’s no surprise that Median UI passed it with high scores.
Usually, when using Google Analytics and Google AdSense the performance may drop. I believe that the secret to the high-performance score is the implementation of the lazy-loading feature.
The competitive price of this theme is certainly one of the factors that make Median UI be one of the best blogger themes! For only $13, you get this theme. For the features that you’re getting, $13 is insanely cheap.
3. iMagz
iMagz is one of the best blogger themes with a landing page. This list of blogger themes is not complete without this template. This theme has a minimalist design that enables the users to read the blog post effortlessly.
If you want to do email marketing, iMagz is the template you’re looking for! I believe that this template is the best landing page template for bloggers. This theme is very fast yet lightweight despite the features we’re going to see.
You can also have a version of the theme without the landing page. If you’re looking for a theme with all the comprehensive features of the previous 2 themes, with the addition of some other features and a landing page. The iMagz blogger template is the best of the best options available for you to go with!
The addition of some other features includes Post with dual languages concept etc. And some of the features that I like the most in this theme are the syntax highlighter, note block, post reference, the paragraph with a drop-cap, etc.
If you’re looking for a theme that can pass the Lighthouse SEO and performance score. There’s no surprise that iMagz passed it with high scores. It is because of the lightweight and optimized codes, like the above two themes that we saw before.
Usually, when using Google Analytics and Google AdSense the performance may drop. I believe that the secret to the high-performance score is the implementation of the lazy-loading feature.
The competitive price of this theme is certainly one of the factors that make iMagz be one of the best blogger themes! For only $15, you get this theme. For the features that you’re getting, $15 is insanely cheap.
4. Polar
Polar is another one of the best blogger themes with a simple design as a normal blog should have. It comes with a free and paid version, the free one with footer credits vice versa.
This theme is simple yet fast and well optimized for a good user experience, it has also passed the Lighthouse SEO score with excellent scores.
The responsive design of this theme is suitable for different devices from mobiles, laptops, etc. In other words, it will automatically adjust the dimensions of your blog according to the screen’s size.
The page speed of this theme is petty good for a normal blog, and the best part of this theme is its typography. It's designed for enhancing the experience and making your blog professional-looking.
You can use it for free! But if you want to remove the credits and enjoy the premium features you have to go for Polar Premium for only $12.95. I think the price is a bit high as per the features and services you’re getting, but if you like the theme you can purchase it as well.
5. JetTheme Lite
JetTheme Lite blogger theme is another best blogger theme that is completely free to use, you can use it in your blogger blog free of cost!
The best part of this theme is that it has no limitations! It has another newspaper version that is paid and we’ll know about it later in this post.
The features in this theme include lazy loading of images, iFrames, audios and even it has inbuilt lazy load Google AdSense and analytics.
The best part about this theme is the footer of this theme, which looks none other than a professional WordPress website. But it’s on Blogger :D
Some other features include the dark mode, blockquote, buttons, multiple ad slots, etc., and last but not least this theme is responsive, in other words, it’s mobile-friendly.
That’s it? No! Without saying about the speed of this theme this post looks like an incomplete post.! So let’s know about it.
The speed of this blogger theme is as good as the above-mentioned best blogger themes! This theme passes the Lighthouse SEO with a mind-blowing score.
As you all know, this theme is free to use in your blogger blog without paying anything to the developer. Just download, upload, customize it and enjoy!
6. JetTheme Newspaper
JetTheme Newspaper is another one of the newspaper-style best blogger themes. As said, in the previous part that there's a paid version similar to some more features. This is it!
If you want to show a lot of blog posts on your homepage, then I’ll recommend you to use this one as it is a very good blogger theme for news websites.
This theme comes with more features as compared to the free version!
The free version has sufficient features that a normal blog needs and this theme has the features that are sufficient for a normal news website.
The best part is that this theme has an inbuilt safelink or in simple words, you say it is a URL shortener! Yes, a blogger theme has it all.
Some other features of this theme are page view counters that show the number of page views of a particular post, anti boom AdSense this means that this theme stops the user from showing AdSense ads if they intentionally do it.
If you want to use this theme and enjoy the premium features you have to purchase it for only $7. I think the price is reasonable as per the features and services you’re getting.
7. VTick
VTick is another one of the best blogger themes that I believe that most of you didn't know about. This theme is completely free to use! It’s completely free!
If anyone asks me to tell you the most beautiful blogger template with reference to the user interface, I’ll tell you that it’s the VTick blogger template!
This theme is fast, optimized, lightweight, and has a very smooth experience with regards to a reader.! Its loading time is about 1.0 seconds!
If you have a news website or you post a lot of posts with many categories or anything similar to that, then I’ll suggest you go with this template!
Now, let’s know about a bunch of features that come along with this theme!
This theme offers a bunch of features such as the dark mode feature, preload animation, featured image ratio, the table of contents, and reading time that will be shown below the heading of each and every post.
It even has a cookie consent popup that is not seen in many best blogger themes. The footer of this theme has some animating shapes in the background and a wide range of links and images to put on the footer.
Alright, it's time to know about the loading speed of this amazing theme!
As told earlier, this theme is optimized and lightweight and the page speed is above 98 in the lighthouse performance test. The load time of this theme is approximately 1.0 seconds! Yes, this theme loads within a second..!!
Finally, I’m going to tell you about the footer credits, that are mandatory to use as said by the developer. One thing to confirm, credits are just links to the developer’s website! It does not affect your website in any possible way.
Furthermore, the developer also said that if you like to remove the footer credits you can contact him to seek permission from him.
As told earlier this theme is completely free to use, you don’t need to pay anything for using this theme in your blogger blog with footer credits.
But if you want to use this amazing blogger template without footer credits in your blogger blog, then you’ve to take the permissions from the developer.
8. Igniplex
Igniplex is another one of the best blogger themes that are comfortable to browse with regards to a reader or a visitor. It’s another best blogger template, but sadly it’s not free!
This theme is simple, minimalistic, clean, and has two side-bars while reading the post. You might be wondering what that means? Let’s know about it.!
The first one is the navigation bar which is usually located at the top but in this theme, it is located on the right side, the second one is located on the right side.
The best thing about this theme is its homepage post slider, which shows several selected posts like a slider, this feature is not found in most of the best blogger themes.
Most of the customizations can be directly set via the layout section of the blogger dashboard. But in some cases, you might have to edit the HTML of the theme!
This theme also comes with related posts on the middle and bottom of the blog posts, this automates the work of internal linking in your blog!
The inbuilt Anti Adblock feature will help you if you are using Google AdSense or any other ads network with this template! But how? Let’s know about it.
If someone blocks the ads using some sort of extension then this feature will prevent those users from viewing the content by showing them a notification of the said.
Now, let’s know about the load time of this theme!
As told earlier, this theme is lightweight and it’s optimized as well the clean and optimized code makes this theme’s page loading time super fast!
This theme has got excellent scores in the Lighthouse SEO score! And the page speed insights score is excellent on desktop and pretty good on mobile devices.
Finally, I’m going to tell you about the updates and support of this theme!
You will get free support for three months from the date of purchase, and you will get updates of the newer versions that will be released in the next up to 1 year.
As told, this is a paid theme and the price of this theme is $28. I think the price is quite reasonable for the service and features you’re getting with it.
9. Webium
Webim is another one of the best blogger themes without any limitations!
The user interface (appearance) of this theme is very similar to the 2019 - 2020 appearance of the Medium.com post’s website.!
Now, let’s know about the features of this theme!
This theme comes with the best homepage design I have ever seen on a blogger website. It’s so beautiful that no more theme can be compared to this beauty.
Other than these features, this theme fulfills all the requirements of a normal blog! This theme is quite simple so there are a limited number of advanced features.
This theme is quite easy to customize, as most of the customizations are done from the layout section of the blogger dashboard.
As said by the developer, this theme is completely free to download and use in your blogger blog, without having to pay anything to the developers!
10. SEO Engine
SEO Engine is another one of the best blogger themes that come with both free and paid options, as you know the free version will have some limited features as compared to the paid ones.
This blogger theme is a good option for those who’re looking for a magazine-style theme, which also comes with some shortcodes or simple advanced features!
Now, let’s know about the features of this theme.
This theme has a bunch of features, some of them are auto-translation, dark mode, boxed and full-width posts, custom featured posts, cookies consent.
The best feature of this theme is the hero section, it has a list of categories made for the user to choose and explore the blog more efficiently.
Another thing I liked the most, is the footer section! It’s very similar to the fletro pro footer with a few minor changes.
As said, this theme offers you both free and paid versions, the free one with some limited features and the paid one with no limited features.
The price of the paid theme's version is $9.95, I think the price is reasonable for the features you’re getting along with the purchase towards this blogger theme!
11. Color UI
Color UI is another good-looking best blogger theme, it comes with a free and paid version, the free one with some limitations, and the paid one with no limitations.
This blogger theme is good-looking, fast, and well optimized. This theme is best suited to technology or news-related blogger blogs.
Now, let’s know about the features of this theme!
This theme comes with a lot of features, some of them are the dark mode, full width and boxed posts, mega menu, featured posts, and the cookie consent.
The best thing about this theme is the design of its homepage! No other blogger theme has it, and it’s the only blogger theme with this type of homepage!
Another thing I liked the most, is the footer section! It’s very similar to the fletro pro footer with a bit more options as compared to it.
How to Install a Blogger Theme?
Chosen the theme, but no idea how to install the best blogger themes in your blogger blog?
Don’t worry, I’m now going to tell you exactly how to install a blogger theme! Most beginners found this a tough job. But after reading the below steps you will get a complete idea of how to install a blogger theme!
Before moving on, make sure that your theme file ends with a .xml extension, if it ends with a .zip or .rar extension make sure to extract that file first using WinZIP or WinRAR software, then you will find the .xml theme file in the extracted folder.
Ok! Now, let’s get started.
Step 1. Go to your Blogger dashboard i.e. Blogger.com.
Step 2. Choose the blog in which you want to install the theme.
Step 3. Alright, now go to the “Themes” section.
Step 4. Now, click on the arrow beside the orange button that says “Edit HTML”.
Step 5. Then click the “Restore” option from the dropdown menu.
Step 6. Now, you have to upload the theme by clicking the “Upload” option (Upload .xml file only).
Step 7. Then, you have to solve the re-captcha (if asked).
Step 8. And you're done!
Hooray! You have just installed your favorite best blogger themes in your blogger blog. Isn’t that too easy? Comment below your thoughts!
The Blogger theme industry had very much developed in the past few years. In the past, two to three years the above-mentioned user interface themes were possible only on wordpress and the blogger blogs always think about shifting into wordpress.
But nowadays, everything has changed there is so much development in the blogger theme industry that is unimaginable to think of. As of today thousands of developers are in this field creating themes for enhancing the user experience.
Thousands of best blogger themes are there on the web, but in this post, I tried to list some of the best blogger themes, with a detailed summary of each theme.
Which one is your favorite blogger theme? Let me know in the comments!