Full Python 3

Posts, not scheduled yet. Its a future project.

1. Introduction to Python

2. Installing Python 3.5

3. Setting up an IDE

4. Writing your first program

5. Data Types

6. Variables

7. Indentation

8. How to clear screen


10. Basic Arithmetic

11. Division Characteristics

12. Operator Percedence

13. Complex Arithmetic

14. Binary Number Manupulation

15. Basic String Manupulation

16. Using the Format Method

17. Specific Characters

18. Logical Operators and Conditional Statements

19. If statements

20. If else statements

21. Ifelif statements

22. Ternary operator

23. For Loop

24. While Loop

25. Break and Continue Statements

26. Defining and Calling Functions and Returning Values

27. Passing Arguements, Default Parameters, Scope and Nexted Functions

28. Recursive Functions

29. Lambda Functions

30. Excetions and Errors

31. Handling Exceptions

32. Throwing Exceptions

33. Data Input Setup and Input Function

34. File Management Reading

35. File Management Writing

36. Tuples

37. Tuple Functions

38. Lists

39. List Functions

40. Dictionaries

41. Shallow Copies

42. Sets

43. Set Functions

44. Modules

45. Packages

46. Built-in Modules

47. Introduction to OOP

48. Class Definition and Object Instantation

49. Class Methods

50. Operator Overloading

51. Class Inheritance

52. Extra Notes in Python

53. Installing Modules for Visualization

54. Visualization

55. Pandas Library

56. Instlling Numpy Library

57. Creating Numpy Objects

58. Useful Functions from the Numpy Library

59. Basic Operations with Numpy Library

60. The PDB Module

61. Commands for Debugging

62. Creating, Evaluating and Compiling Regular Expressions

63. Patterns

64. Division and Grouping the Results

65. Setting the Search Parameters