🚫 Ban VIP DARSHAN System from Temples! ✨

Ban VIP Darshan System from Temples - Unveiling the flaws of VIP Darshan System in temples, advocating for inclusivity, and fostering unity. #Equality
🚫 Ban VIP DARSHAN System from Temples - Here's Why! ✨

The VIP Darshan System in temples is something that many of us are familiar with. It's the practice of giving special treatment to important or wealthy individuals, allowing them to skip the long queues and receive preferential access to the deities. While this system may seem harmless at first, it often leads to inequality and unfairness among devotees.

In this blog post, we will delve into the issue of the VIP Darshan System in temples all across our country, Bharat. We will discuss why this system is problematic and explore the need to remove it in favor of a more inclusive approach. This is a topic that affects all of us, as it impacts our ability to have an equal and meaningful spiritual experience.

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By understanding the flaws of the VIP Darshan System, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable environment within our temples. It's time to challenge the social divisions caused by this system and strive for a more inclusive way of worship. Let's explore how we can make temples accessible to all, regardless of their social status or wealth.

I. Understanding the VIP Darshan System πŸ•‰️

To truly comprehend the VIP Darshan System, let's take a closer look at how it works. In many temples, there are special arrangements made for important or wealthy individuals who are given priority access to the deities. These individuals are often escorted through a separate entrance and are allowed to bypass the long queues that regular devotees must endure.

Under this system, VIPs receive certain privileges and advantages that set them apart from the rest of the devotees. They are granted a faster and more convenient way to offer their prayers and seek blessings from the deities. This preferential treatment can include shorter waiting times, exclusive access to certain areas, and personalized assistance from temple staff.

While the intention behind the VIP Darshan System may have been to honor and show respect to influential individuals, it inadvertently creates a sense of inequality and unfairness. Regular devotees, who form the majority of temple visitors, often find themselves waiting for extended periods, feeling left out and neglected in the process.

This divide between VIPs and regular devotees not only perpetuates social hierarchies but also takes away from the collective spiritual experience. It can lead to a sense of alienation and frustration among those who do not have the means or connections to access the VIP privileges.

It is crucial to recognize that every devotee, regardless of their social status or wealth, should have an equal opportunity to connect with the divine. The VIP Darshan System, in its current form, creates a barrier that prevents this equal participation and can lead to a sense of exclusion among the majority of devotees.

In the next sections, we will explore the problems associated with the VIP Darshan System and delve into the reasons why a more inclusive approach is necessary for fostering unity and equality in our temples.

II. Problems with the VIP Darshan System ❗

The VIP Darshan System in temples poses several challenges that need to be addressed. These problems highlight the negative impact of the system on the overall temple experience and the sense of equality among devotees.

One significant issue is the inequality and social divisions created by the VIP Darshan System. When certain individuals are granted special privileges solely based on their status or wealth, it deepens the divide between the privileged few and the majority of devotees. This division goes against the core principles of spirituality, which emphasize unity, humility, and inclusivity.

Moreover, the VIP Darshan System excludes regular devotees from the main spiritual experience. While VIPs enjoy expedited access to the deities, others are left waiting in long queues, often for hours on end. This creates a disparity in the opportunities for worship and connection with the divine. Every devotee deserves an equal chance to offer their prayers and seek blessings without feeling sidelined or neglected.

Furthermore, the current system fails to cater to the diverse needs of devotees. It does not consider the challenges faced by elderly individuals, physically disabled people, or families with young children. These individuals may require additional support or accommodations to fully participate in temple rituals. By prioritizing VIPs, the system overlooks the importance of inclusivity and fails to provide an environment that caters to the needs of all devotees.

The VIP Darshan System also perpetuates a culture of entitlement and privilege. It sends a message that some individuals are more deserving of spiritual blessings than others, solely based on their social status or financial resources. This not only goes against the fundamental principles of religious teachings but also undermines the values of fairness and equality.

In the following sections, we will propose a more inclusive approach that addresses these problems and allows for equal participation and reverence in temple worship. It is essential to reevaluate the current system and strive towards a more just and inclusive environment where every devotee feels valued and respected.

III. Proposal for a More Inclusive Approach 🌈

To overcome the challenges posed by the VIP Darshan System, it is crucial to introduce a more inclusive approach in our temples. This proposal aims to create an environment where every devotee, regardless of their social status or wealth, can have an equal and meaningful spiritual experience.

The first step in this proposal is to establish a regular line for the general public. This line would eliminate the distinction between VIPs and regular devotees, ensuring that everyone follows a fair and transparent process. By implementing a regular line, we promote equality and provide an opportunity for all devotees to engage in temple rituals without any preferential treatment based on external factors.

Additionally, it is essential to introduce a special line dedicated to specific groups of individuals who may require additional assistance or accommodations. This special line would cater to the needs of elderly people, physically disabled individuals, and families with children under one year of age. It ensures that those who may face physical limitations or have young children receive the necessary support to participate fully in the temple rituals.

Implementing such a system would foster inclusivity, allowing individuals with diverse needs to have a smooth and enriching temple experience. It acknowledges the importance of considering the unique circumstances and challenges faced by different devotees, ensuring that no one is left behind or disadvantaged.

By removing the VIP Darshan System and embracing a more inclusive approach, we create a sense of unity and harmony among devotees. It promotes the values of compassion, respect, and equality, which are at the core of our spiritual teachings. This transformation in our temple culture will not only enhance the overall experience for all devotees but also serve as a powerful message of inclusivity to society at large.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore the benefits of removing the VIP Darshan System and delve into how this change can contribute to a more harmonious and equitable environment within our temples. Together, let us work towards a future where every individual feels welcomed, valued, and connected to the divine, regardless of their background or social standing.

IV. Personal Experiences πŸ’­

Personal experiences often serve as powerful catalysts for change. In my journey, I have encountered instances where the VIP Darshan System in temples has directly affected my ability to connect with the divine. These experiences have compelled me to advocate for the removal of this system and strive for a more inclusive approach. Let me share one such experience that deeply impacted me.

During my visit to Ujjain in early June, 2023, I had an unplanned trip to the renowned temple there. It was my first time visiting this temple, and I was unaware of the "Ticketing System" that was in place. Excitedly, I carried a "Lota" filled with Gangajal that I had brought from Kolkata, intending to perform the sacred Abhishek of the Lord.

As I joined the queue, I was shocked to learn that I needed to purchase a ticket priced at 750 rupees per person to perform the Abhishek. This sudden requirement caught me off guard, as I hadn't anticipated this additional expense. With my family members by my side, and without enough funds at that moment, I had to make the difficult decision of forgoing the Abhishek.

Though I managed to have the darshan of the Lord, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of disappointment and frustration. The idea that I had the means to perform the Abhishek, yet was denied the opportunity solely due to financial constraints, left a lasting impact on me. It was a moment when the VIP Darshan System felt unjust and exclusionary.

Determined to make a meaningful change, I poured the Gangajal on a Shivling outside the main temple but within the premises. This act symbolized my inner desire to express my devotion, despite the limitations imposed by the VIP Darshan System. This experience became the driving force behind my commitment to raising awareness about the need for an inclusive temple environment that treats every devotee with equal respect and opportunity.

It is through personal experiences like mine that we recognize the shortcomings of the VIP Darshan System and the need for reform. By sharing our stories and joining together in advocating for change, we can create a more inclusive and egalitarian environment in our temples. Together, let us work towards a future where every devotee, regardless of their financial status, can fully engage in their spiritual journey and experience the divine without barriers.

V. Benefits of Removing the VIP Darshan System ✨

Removing the VIP Darshan System from temples and embracing a more inclusive approach offers numerous benefits that contribute to a harmonious and equitable environment. Let's explore the advantages of this transformative change.

Fostering Inclusivity: By eliminating the VIP Darshan System, we create an atmosphere of inclusivity within our temples. Every devotee, irrespective of their social status or financial means, will have an equal opportunity to connect with the divine. This promotes a sense of unity, as devotees stand side by side, sharing the same spiritual experience.

Promoting Equality and Fairness: The removal of the VIP Darshan System emphasizes the principles of equality and fairness. It ensures that no individual receives preferential treatment based on external factors such as wealth or influence. This equal distribution of opportunities for worship and participation cultivates a sense of justice and goodwill among devotees.

Enhancing the Spiritual Journey: A more inclusive approach encourages a deeper and more meaningful spiritual journey for all devotees. When everyone is treated with equal respect and given the same chance to offer their prayers, it fosters a sense of belonging and fulfillment. The removal of barriers created by the VIP system allows devotees to engage in rituals and seek blessings without any hindrances.

Building Unity and Brotherhood: An inclusive temple environment promotes unity and brotherhood among devotees. When individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to worship without divisions, it strengthens the bond of shared spirituality. The collective experience of reverence and devotion creates a sense of oneness, transcending societal barriers and fostering a spirit of compassion and understanding.

Sending a Message of Inclusivity to Society: Temples hold a significant place in society, and the removal of the VIP Darshan System sends a powerful message to the broader community. It demonstrates our commitment to dismantling social hierarchies and promoting equal opportunities for all. By leading by example, temples can inspire change beyond their premises, encouraging a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

Honoring the Teachings of Spirituality: The removal of the VIP Darshan System aligns with the core teachings of spirituality. It reflects the values of humility, compassion, and respect for all beings. By upholding these teachings, temples become beacons of enlightenment and serve as platforms for the practice of genuine devotion and selflessness.

Together, these benefits create a transformative impact on the temple experience, fostering an environment where all devotees feel valued, respected, and connected to the divine. By embracing inclusivity, we shape a future where our temples stand as symbols of unity, equality, and profound spiritual growth.


In conclusion, the VIP Darshan System in temples across our nation has long been a source of inequality and exclusion. By understanding the problems associated with this system and the benefits of its removal, we can work towards a more inclusive approach that embraces equality and unity.

We have examined the flaws of the VIP Darshan System, which creates social divisions, excludes regular devotees, and perpetuates a culture of entitlement. These issues undermine the core principles of spirituality and hinder the collective spiritual experience.

However, by implementing a proposal for a more inclusive approach, we can overcome these challenges. Establishing a regular line for all devotees and a special line for individuals with specific needs ensures equal opportunities for worship and accommodates the diverse requirements of devotees.

Removing the VIP Darshan System brings forth numerous benefits. It fosters inclusivity, promotes equality and fairness, enhances the spiritual journey of devotees, and builds unity and brotherhood among worshippers. Additionally, it sends a powerful message of inclusivity to society and honors the teachings of spirituality.

It is essential for temples to take the lead in embracing this change, becoming beacons of inclusivity and symbols of unity. By providing equal access and opportunities for all devotees, temples can inspire a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

Let us come together to advocate for the removal of the VIP Darshan System and work towards a future where every devotee, regardless of their social status or wealth, can experience the divine without barriers. Together, we can create a temple environment that embodies the values of equality, compassion, and reverence for all.

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